China Day at Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty

In order to promote the bonding between Chinese students studying at Óbuda University, to exchange study and life experiences, and the future potential collaboration between Chinese universities and Óbuda University – on September 26, 2023, the first China Day at Óbuda University was organized at Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering.

The conference was held in hybrid format in the “J” building wing newly added to the Faculty.

The participants (by speech order):

Vice Rector for Research Prof. Dr. László Gulácsi gave the opening speech, warmly welcomed the audience and explained the current situation of the Óbuda University and its excellent results regarding the ranking.

Chief Director for International Affairs Mr. Tibor Bial greeted those present, then recommended that the Chinese students get to know Óbuda University and its students as well as Budapest and Hungary as much as possible. He added: with their knowledge and experience, they can help their fellow students who want to come to our university to study and introduce us.

Dean of Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering & Administration coordinator of Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences (BDI) Prof. Dr. Rajnai Zoltán greeted the audience and introduced them to the interesting history of Bánki, provided an insight into education and the vibrant student life.

Then, the counselor of the Education and Culture Office of Embassy of the People’s Republic of China Mr. Chen Kun highlighted the importance of relationship between Hungary and China in eduction, introduced the basic situation of Chinese students and scholars in Hungary and his wishes for Chinese Students and Scholars Association to be the bridge for future collaboration between Chinese students and Óbuda University. He also welcome Óbuda University professors and students to visit China.

President of Central and Eastern Europe – China Science and Technology Exchange Association; honorary citizen of Kozármisleny; co-founder and president of the Tokaj Culture foundation Mr. Jiao Chao, introduced his bridging work between Hungary and China. Especially, his association in organizing three big Innovation and Entreprenuership Competions, which attract world talents to Ji Nan, China. These can be good opportunities for all students at Óbuda Unversity to practice and visit China.

President of Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Hungary and Ph.D. candidate at ELTE Mr. Li Jianhao, introduced the official Chinese Students and Scholars Association and he also welcomed Óbuda University (hereafter ÓU) to organize students activities jointly.

Vice president for foreign affairs and DOSZ ambassador Mr. Norbert Bencze, introduced the The Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates, and his wishes for future collobaration.

Employee in Central European Trade and Logistics Cooperation Zone & President of Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Hungary, Budapest universities branch(CSSAH)& Master student at BGE Mr. Li Boyuan introduced his company and the future bright collaboration.

Ph.D. candidate at Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences (BDI) Mr. Song Yang shared his study and work experience in China and Hungary.

Mr. Cen Xuanzhen (Ph.D. candidate at BDI) shared the collaboration between his home university in China and Hungarian universities.

Mr. Asiru (online) (master student at ÓU) shared his sports avtivities at ÓU and in Hungary.

Ms. Urangua Lkhagvasuren, from Mongolia (master student at ÓU) shared her 5 years studies in China and study at Obuda University.

Ms. Xie Qiongzhen (online) (master student at ÓU) shared her study and work experience in Budapest and her suggestions in learning Hungarian language.

Ms. Zhang Jinfeng (master student at ÓU) shared her study and work experience in Budapest.

Ms. Du Yuwei (master student at ÓU) shared her different study experience between her home university and ÓU.

Mr. Zhang Qiaolin, first year Ph.D. student at BDI shared his study experience in China and his study plan at ÓU.

Mr. Chen Hairong, first year Ph.D. student at BDI shared his study experience in China and his study plan at ÓU.

Ms. Wu Yue (Ph.D. candidate at BDI) shared her study experience in China and Hungary, and suggested Chinese students to take opportunities in Budapest to bridge the relationship between Hungary and China.

There were additional participants from Hungarian-Chinese Friendship Association, chinese students at ÓU and other universities and employees at ÓU.

Ms. Wu Yue

ÓU Bánki Awarded Grant by the Visegrad Fund

Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering (BGK) at Óbuda University – in partnership coordinated by the Faculty of Technical Sciences at University of Mitrovica, Kosovo* (*UN Security Council Resolution 1244) – successfully applied for and was awarded by the International Visegrad Fund (IVF) a “Visegrad+ Grant” of EUR 8.790 for the project “Improving STEM Teaching Process using Digital Transformation – DigSTEM”.

The aim of the Project is to improve the application of digital technologies in the educational process of Kosovo’s higher education institutions (HEIs) through the exchange of experience between HEIs of Kosovo and the Visegrad region. The project concerns the educational processes of STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

At Óbuda University, the project leader is Dr. Ágota Drégelyi-Kiss. In addition to the project manager, lecturers from the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Technology are involved in the implementation of the project: Dr. Viktor Gonda, András Horváth and Béla Mészáros.

Project implementation period is 01.09.2023-28.02.2025.

Are you interested in cyber security? Join us at Alverad-Bánki International Cyber Security Conference

On October 25, 2023, Alverad Technology Focus Kft. and the Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering will hold their international scientific conference in a hybrid format for the first time.

The purpose of the conference is to make the latest domestic and international research results available to the expert audience, and to provide an opportunity for young researchers and PhD students to gain publication practice. Our aim is also to deepen the scientific relations between the lecturers and students of the partner universities, as well as our colleagues.

The 1st Alverad-Bánki International Cyber Security Conference provides an opportunity for young researchers and doctoral students to present research results in the fields of cyber security, artificial intelligence, as well as security engineering, electrical engineering and IT sciences.

Application information and registration:

Humanitarian Response Manager graduation ceremony

Class of 2023 of the Humanitarian Response Manager post-graduate training has received their certificates on 19 July 2023. During the one-year course, a number of researchers from the Africa Research Institute have contributed to the curriculum. We would like to congratulate to all those who successfully completed the training and obtained the certificate!

More information about the course and the application: