Structure Submission: On the competition day between 7:00 and 9:00 AM.
Pre-registration: We only require a team name and a contact email for pre-registration. This helps us estimate the number of participating teams. Thank you! Registration link:
Entry Requirements
Each team consists of 2 (maximum 3) members; if there are three members, the awarded course points will be divided equally.
A team may enter multiple structures, but only one structure’s score can be counted.
The building rules follow the official regulations of the RECCS Pasta Bridge World Championship, available on their official website (
Submitted structures will be inspected non-compliant structures can only be tested outside the competition and will not receive points.
Only completed structures can be registered.
Additional Important Information
Load-bearing elements and eye bolts can be purchased at the Student Government Office.
The scoring system will be announced on the day of the competition.
The top three teams in both categories agree to participate in the RECCS World Championship.
The minimum required load capacity varies by category: bridge: minimum 40 kg, beam: minimum 80 kg (Structures below this limit will not receive course points.)
The first Graduation Ceremony of this year was held on Friday, February 21, 2025, at the “ELTE Gömb Aula”. The event commenced with the procession of the board members to the tune of Gaudeamus Igitur. Following the national anthem, József Balogh, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Dean’s Office – serving as the presiding chairman of the ceremony – introduced the members of the board:
Prof. Dr. László Gulácsi – Vice-Rector for Research, Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai – Dean, Dr. Erzsébet Ancza – Associate Professor, Dr. habil Tibor Farkas – Vice-Dean for Education, Dr. Richárd Horváth – Vice-Dean for Research, Lívia Mondics-Kurmay – Director of Education, József Balogh –Head of Dean’s Secreteriat, Zsombor Kovács – President of the Student Council.
Following the welcoming speech by the Vice-Rector, the celebratory speech was given by Dean Zoltán Rajnai. He emphasized that graduates earned a highly respected diploma at the Bánki Faculty, which required dedication and hard work. He highlighted the importance of the strict academic standards, ensuring that the engineers graduating from Bánki are well-prepared for international competition and capable of tackling complex technical challenges.
After the speeches, diplomas were awarded in the following engineering programs: Mechanical Engineering, Military and Security Engineering, Safety Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering.
A total of 156 students received their BSc degrees, while 10 MSc diplomas were handed over by the Dean. In keeping with tradition, after receiving their diplomas, graduates touched the Bánki flag as a sign of respect.
Students who graduated with honors—achieving outstanding results throughout their studies—were recognized. To receive an honors diploma, students had to meet the following criteria: excellent grades in all final exams, a minimum average grade of 3.51and no grades below “satisfactory”.
The following students received an Honorary Diploma alongside their degree:
Milán Kecskeméti – Mechatronics Engineer
Zsombor András Magyari – Mechatronics Engineer
The Faculty Council also awarded the “Outstanding Academic Achievement” certificate and commemorative gifts to top-performing Safety Engineering graduates:
Tamás Barok
Luca Boros
Olivér Borsos
Gábor Tamás Földes
Erik Levente Gáspár
Ákos Olivér Gyirkis
Gergely John
Norbert Komjáti
Petra Kóródi
Krisztián Molnár
Gergely Endre Szabó
Ákos Zoltán Tarnay
Sebestyén Barnabás Thüringer
We congratulate our awarded students and wish them continued success in the future!
Following the awards, the graduates took the Engineer’s vow, traditionally led by one of the honorees. This year, Gábor Tamás Földes had the honor of leading the pledge.
On behalf of the graduating class, Zsombor Kovács, President of the Student Council, delivered a heartfelt farewell speech, wishing the new graduates’ success in their future endeavors.
The graduation ceremony is one of the faculty’s most significant events, also serving as an opportunity to recognize the contributions of faculty members and partners who have supported the institution’s mission.
Dr. Béla András Frigyik – Associate Professor received a Certificate of Recognition for his dedicated work in supporting international students and his outstanding teaching methods.
Dr. Bertold Békési – Lieutenant Colonel, Associate Professor awarded an Honorary Diploma for his long-standing support of the Aerospace Engineering specialization and for strengthening ties between Bánki Faculty and the NKE Faculty of Military Science.
Ferenc Hosszú, honorary associate professor, also received an award. Ferenc Hosszú earned his high school teaching degree in mathematics, physics, and descriptive geometry from the Faculty of Science at ELTE. He began his teaching career in a vocational high school before joining the Bánki Faculty in 1980. From 1996 to 2015, he served as the Head of the Mathematics-Informatics Department.
Although officially retired, he has continued his academic work as a part-time lecturer at the faculty.
He is the author and co-author of numerous mathematics textbooks and study materials. Throughout his career, he has played an active role in organizing and teaching the “Week 0” Mathematics Preparatory Course, designed to support incoming students. He also made significant contributions to the György Hajós Mathematics Competitions, both as an organizer and mentor.
In 2019, the Rector of Obuda University awarded him the title of Honorary Associate Professor in recognition of his dedication and outstanding contributions to education.
This year, as he celebrates 45 years of teaching, we express our heartfelt gratitude for his remarkable and high-quality academic work at the Bánki Faculty and wish him continued good health and happiness.
At this ceremony, we also expressed our gratitude to Associate Professor Dr. Erzsébet Ancza, who served as the Vice Dean for Education at the Bánki Faculty until the end of January. Additionally, the Student Council, representing Bánki students, thanked her for her tireless work in always advocating for the interests of the students under all circumstances and for brightening everyone’s day with a smile as she passed by in the hallways.
Dr. Erzsébet Ancza holds degrees in mechanical engineering and English language teaching. She has advanced-level “C” type language certificates in English and Russian.
She has been teaching in higher education since 1998, first at the University of Debrecen and then, since 2012, at the Bánki Faculty. She has held the position of Vice Dean for Education since 2015. In this role, she coordinated the faculty’s educational activities and oversaw, among other things, faculty accreditation tasks, the work of education-related committees, the demonstrator and mentoring teacher system, and the admission process for international students.
Thanks to her dedicated efforts, the launch of the Bachelor’s program in Energy Engineering became a reality.
With her warm personality and kindness, she always strived for consensus and collaboratively developed solutions in her work. She will not be leaving the Bánki Faculty entirely, as she will continue to contribute to the Faculty’s Research Organization Center.
We wish her good health and many more active years with us, her family, and her two grandchildren!
The faculty also acknowledged two of its long-term industry partners for their continued support and collaboration:
Intertechnika Kft.
The professional relationship between the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering and Intertechnika Kft. dates back several decades. Intertechnika Kft. provides both theoretical and practical support in practice-oriented education as well as in scientific research in the fields of welding and thermal cutting technologies.
With this recognition, the faculty would like to express its gratitude for the company’s support and assistance, as well as to strengthen further successful professional cooperation with Managing Director Mr. Béla Alasztics.
Mahr Magyarország Kft.
The professional cooperation between the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering and Mahr Magyarország Kft. also spans several decades. Numerous doctoral dissertations, TDK (Scientific Students’ Association) papers, and theses have been completed using Mahr metrology equipment. As part of the student welfare program, the company welcomed student groups for industrial visits, showcasing the diversity and challenges of engineering work. With this recognition, the faculty would like to personally express its gratitude for the support and collaboration to Managing Director Mr. Ferenc Tamás Varga, who earned his engineering degree at Bánki.
To our graduates: may your future be filled with success, happiness, and fulfilment. We hope you’ll always cherish your time at Bánki and maintain strong ties with the faculty. Who knows—perhaps one day, your own company will become one of our partners, or your children may follow in your footsteps as Bánki students.
Special thanks to the Dean’s Office, the Registar’s Office, and the Student Council for organizing this memorable event.
Our first open day of the year attracted nearly 300 students, this time in a renewed format. Instead of just lectures and lab visits, we welcomed interested young people with dedicated booths for each program, similar to the Educatio Exhibition.
On January 23, 2025, the event began at 10:00 AM with an opening speech by Dr. Richárd Horváth, Vice Dean for Research, followed by a presentation from Dániel Trunk, the faculty’s international relations coordinator. Next, Zsombor Kovács, President of the Student Government (HÖK), gave a brief overview of student life.
The following experts introduced the various engineering programs: Dr. Péter Pinke – Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Pál Michelberger – Security Engineering & Cybersecurity Engineering, Dr. István Nagy – Mechatronics Engineering, Prof. Dr. András Zachár – Energy Engineering.
During and after the presentations, students had the opportunity to talk with faculty members and current students at the booths in the adjacent ceremonial hall. We were delighted to receive many questions from highly engaged and curious young visitors.
Three of our dual training partners were also present:
Grundfos Magyarország Gyártó Ltd.
Linamar Hungary Ltd.
Ferzol Ltd.
At 12:00 PM, students participated in lab visits, including tours of the main workshop, Pneu Labs, the Formula Student base, and the vehicle laboratory.
A huge thank you to our faculty members, students, and staff for their invaluable help in making this open day a success! We also thank all the students who visited us and participated in the event. We hope to see them again in September! 🙂
One of today’s most pressing issues is achieving cybersecurity. This was the central theme of the “Safer Internet Day” event, where Obuda University was also represented in Gödöllő on February 5, 2025. The event’s opening lecture was delivered by Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, Dean of the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Security Engineering, who discussed the psychological effects of digital manipulation and the importance of recognizing deceptive strategies. The Obuda University booth was a great success, featuring interactive demonstrations and expert briefings to promote more conscious internet use.
The event, attended by nearly 500 students, adults, retirees, and cybersecurity experts, aimed to provide participants with a credible overview of internet threats, safe browsing practices, and other risks in cyberspace, along with prevention strategies. The central theme of the event was “The Psychology of Cyber Deception – Manipulation, Emotional Shock, and Instant Decision-Making in the Online Space.”
In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, Dean of the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Security Engineering, explored the psychological effects of digital manipulation, the influence techniques used in online spaces, and their emotional and decision-making consequences. Through practical examples, he helped participants recognize and avoid deceptive strategies, promoting more conscious and safer internet use.
It was highlighted that online fraud, identity theft, phishing, ransomware attacks, and cybercrimes targeting children and the elderly are becoming increasingly common. Young people, in particular, are vulnerable in the digital world, often falling victim to cyberbullying, identity theft, and online exploitation. However, with awareness and caution, these threats can be prevented.
Members of the University’s Professional Delegation included: Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, Dr. habil. György Eigner, Dean of the Neumann János Faculty of Informatics, Zoltán Márton, Head of the STEAM Office and Director of the Hungarian STEAM Platform, Sándor Kirchhof, IT Project Manager and Software Developer at the STEAM Office and the Hungarian STEAM Platform, who also served as the university’s main liaison and event organizer, Colonel Péter Balogh, representative of the Cyber Academy and member of the Zsámbék Technology Innovation Park under the Rector’s Cabinet of Obuda University, Szandra Anna Laczi, Assistant Lecturer at the Neumann János Faculty of Informatics and leader of a research group.
At the Obuda University booths, faculty members, researchers, and representatives of the Student Governments (HÖK) hosted interactive programs. Visitors had the opportunity to learn about cybersecurity and security engineering programs, research projects, and the Obuda University Cyber Academy.
With the active participation of: Zsombor Kovács, President of the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Security Engineering Student Government, Vajk Bence Kiss, Representative of the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Security Engineering Student Government, Máté Zöldi, President of the Neumann János Faculty of Informatics Student Government, Krisztián Gyetvai, Representative of the Neumann János Faculty of Informatics Student Government, attendees received detailed information about academic programs, university life, and the role of the student community.
The STEAM Office – Hungarian STEAM Platform also introduced a special program: the “Military Security and Asset Protection in the World of Minecraft” Summer Children’s University Camp. This showcased how security technology challenges can be modeled and simulated within the game environment, which proved especially popular among younger participants.
OBO Bettermann is a German company that has been a key player in the industrial and construction solutions market for decades. Its products are widely used in both industries. The company has an international presence and is renowned for its innovative solutions that focus on quality and sustainability, employing the latest technologies. The group is among the world leaders in electrical installation technology, operating in more than 60 countries and employing close to 4,000 people. Currently, manufacturing activities take place in 9 countries, and the company has over 40 subsidiaries worldwide.
The company’s philosophy centers on quality and sustainability. Quality control stations within the factory ensure that not only speed but also precision is prioritized during production, while significant attention is given to environmental protection. OBO Bettermann is continually working on integrating the latest technological solutions into its manufacturing processes, ensuring that its products and services meet the strictest industry standards.
During our factory visit, we were able to witness all of this firsthand. As part of our mechanical engineering class, we had the opportunity to visit OBO Bettermann’s Hungarian factory. The company began its operations in Hungary in 1993 in Budapest and is now involved in both commercial and manufacturing activities in the country. Since 1996, the Hungarian OBO group, which currently employs about 1,300 people, has been based in an industrial park near Bugyi, a town located approximately 35 km southeast of Budapest.
The factory visit allowed us to personally experience how such a globally renowned and respected company operates, incorporating innovation, quality, and sustainability into its daily work. Upon arrival at the factory, the clean and organized working environment immediately stood out. We were divided into two groups for the tour, which provided us insights into various areas of the factory.
The production lines and industrial equipment were perfectly integrated, with all machines and processes working seamlessly together. The production processes were automated, with precise coordination between production lines that increased production speed without compromising quality. My favorite part of the visit was observing the flawless operation of the automated machines and robots.
The specialists in the factory continuously monitored the machines, and every product underwent thorough quality checks. We also gained insights into their testing laboratory, where they demonstrated various inspection processes. The most fascinating testing process for me was the ip testing for water resistance. I learned about the different water resistance classifications and their requirements.
Overall, the factory visit was an incredibly educational and inspiring experience.
Dear Staff, Dear Students, Dear Members of the Bánki Community,
The building complex used by the Bánki Faculty of Obuda University has a history spanning 145 years. The historic building has almost exclusively served educational purposes, from the Industrial School to university and adult education. Over the years, it has undergone several renovations and adaptations to meet the evolving needs. The last major construction took place nearly 100 years ago when an additional floor was added. Over 30 years ago, the P10 lecture hall was created to accommodate the growing number of students.
Today, however, even the P10 lecture hall is no longer sufficient to support education. Compounding the issue is the lack of communal spaces within the building where students can spend breaks between classes, enjoy their free time, or organize community events.
With the support of the University’s leadership, we have initiated a large-scale transformation. As part of this project, the P10 lecture hall and its surrounding area will be demolished. In its place, a nearly 250-seat lecture hall will be constructed, which will also include space suitable for electronic examinations for 150 people. Simultaneously, we will create a two-story atrium covered with a glass roof at the roof level of the lecture hall, designed for your use.
However, the construction also comes with the inconvenience that, in order to ensure the continuity and tranquility of education as well as the safety of our students and faculty, we must temporarily close the building section on Népszínház Street. It will soon be handed over to the contractors as a construction site.
The theoretical part of education will begin on February 1, 2025, at a new, temporary campus. This building, designed for university education, includes large lecture halls and seminar rooms. It is located in the 13th district at 50 Frangepán Street (previously the building of Kodolányi University, at the intersection of Béke Road and Frangepán Street).
The campus is easily accessible, among other ways, by taking tram 14 from the Lehel tér M3 metro station (6 stops). Several bus lines also pass through the area near Frangepán Street.
Practical lab and workshop classes related to the subjects will still be held in the unaffected sections of the Bánki building. The semester schedule has been planned in such a way that you will not need to commute between the Frangepán Street campus and the Bánki building during the teaching hours. On some days, the schedule will include only practical classes in blocks, while on others, it will consist solely of theoretical lectures.
At the new campus, the Faculty’s Registrar’s Office, the Well- Being Center (JÓK), the Faculty Student Council services, and lifestyle management counseling will remain operational. The communal area will feature a cafeteria, and starting in March, a gym, foosball, and ping pong rooms will also be available for relaxation.
On behalf of the entire faculty and staff of Bánki, I kindly ask for your cooperation in resolving any minor issues that may arise, particularly at the start of the semester, and for your tolerance and patience. We are doing everything possible to ensure that the transition to the new campus causes minimal inconvenience. We will keep you updated on all changes, and we encourage you to stay informed about timetable updates and location details.
If you have any questions, even during the exam period, please contact your instructors, patron professors, or send your questions and comments to the Dean’s Office via the central email address:
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!
The closing partner meeting of the ErgoDesign project, supported by the Erasmus+ program, was held on November 18, 2024, at the new campus of Poznan University of Technology, where the project’s Polish course also took place.
The main goal of this final meeting was to finalize the outputs of the project, including the theoretical and practical knowledge regarding implant production using 3D printing, and the educational materials developed by the partners throughout the project. Another significant aim of the meeting, perhaps even more important, was to initiate the groundwork for a follow-up project that would build upon the achievements of the ErgoDesign project, ensuring the continuation of the fruitful collaboration.
Dr. habil. Gyula Szabó, representing Obuda University, the Hungarian partner in the project, presented the fully completed version of the online course. This course is hosted not only on the Varna partner’s platform but also on the K-MOOC platform maintained by Obuda University. The course is available in English, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, and Serbian, and on the K-MOOC platform, it is offered with expanded content and enhanced features compared to the original version.
The event was attended by project partners representing the Technical University of Varna (Technical University Varna), the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia (TUKE), the National Technical University of Athens (National Technical University of Athens), Poznan University of Technology (Politechnika Poznańska) – as the lead partner of the project – and the project management company Prospecto (
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the partners for their exceptionally high-quality collaboration and hope to work together on another exciting topic in the near future.
Obuda University, our technical higher education institution, is celebrating its 15th anniversary since its founding and its 145th anniversary when including its predecessor institutions. The university has now ranked between 601–800 in the Times Higher Education rankings. At the jubilee event held on November 22, Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, Rector; László Bódis, Deputy State Secretary for Innovation; and Dr. András Cser-Palkovics, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Obuda University, all highlighted the university’s impressive advancement of approximately 1,400 positions on the international ranking list.
At the event, Prof. Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector of Semmelweis University of Medical Sciences, was inaugurated as an honorary doctor of Obuda University. Additionally, the university’s new professors were also honored during the celebration.
We would like to extend our congratulations to the Bánki Faculty’s new university professors on their professional advancements and professorial appointments:
Prof. Dr. habil. Edit Ludányi-Laufer, Director of the Institute of Mechatronics and Vehicle EngineeringProf. Dr. habil. Tünde Kovács, who is active at the Department of Materials Technology within the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Technology.
This year, Obuda University is celebrating the 145th anniversary of the founding of its first predecessor, the State Secondary Industrial School in Budapest. This founding event marks the starting point of a three-century history for what is now the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering. As part of the Hungarian Science Day series, the conference titled “145 Years in the Service of Industrial Education: From Industrial School to University Faculty” was held on November 12, 2024. This event commemorated not only the founding but also several other milestone anniversaries in the institution’s history.
In his opening remarks, Professor Dr. Mihály Réger quoted the speech of Director Károly Hegedűs delivered at the ceremonial opening of the Industrial School: “The goal is not to create someone who knows a little about everything, a dilettante, but rather a thinking and knowledgeable individual…” Professor Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, Dean of the Faculty, in his welcome speech, highlighted the continuous expansion and development of the Faculty, comparable to the dynamic progress seen in the decades following its founding.
Dr. József Gáti, in his presentation titled “145 Years in the Service of Industrial Education: The Era of the Industrial School and Higher Industrial School,” provided an overview of the rich history of the State Secondary Industrial School, which opened on December 7, 1879, with departments in architecture, mechanical engineering, and chemical engineering. From its initial premises to the “Palace of Industrial Education” designed by Professor Alajos Hauszmann, Dr. Gáti covered the school’s historical journey up to 1947, illustrated with original drawings, period newspapers, and archival documents.
János Kuti, in his presentation “145 Years in the Service of Industrial Education: An Overview from Technical Schools to the Higher Technical School Era,” guided participants through the evolution of new types of technical secondary schools established by Government Decree No. 13970/1947. He discussed the era of technical schools, leading up to the establishment of the Higher Technical School of Mechanical Engineering.
Dr. Sándor Horváth presented “The Life and Work of Donát Bánki,” introducing one of Hungary’s greatest mechanical engineers and his key contributions. He discussed Bánki’s scientific achievements that significantly impacted the field of mechanical engineering, his exemplary teaching methods, and the personal greatness of the man for whom the Faculty is named.
In his lecture titled “From Higher Technical Training to University-Level Engineering Education at Bánki,”Dr. Béla Palásti Kovács traced the evolution of higher education at Bánki Donát Mechanical Engineering Technical College, which began in 1969. He discussed the institution’s collaborative programs with other Budapest technical colleges, its integration in 2000 to form Budapest Polytechnic, and the Faculty’s subsequent integration into buda University, established with five faculties on January 1, 2010.
Professor Dr. Zoltán Rajnai’s presentation, “The BGK’s Revitalized Educational, Research, and Innovation Portfolio (2015–2024),” reviewed the past decade of significant progress in funding and in educational and research conditions. He introduced new adult education initiatives, their business model, developments in human resources, and extensive expansion of building infrastructure, turning long-standing aspirations into reality. His description of the Science and Innovation Park’s development highlighted that, alongside Budapest and its surroundings, the Somogy region also benefited from these advancements.
Finally, Máté Bátori, leader of the Donát Bánki Heritage Preservation Circle, concluded the conference with a presentation titled “145 Years in the Service of Industrial Education: Preserving Traditions Today.” He introduced the Heritage Preservation Circle, an independent organization founded by four enthusiastic Bánki students in spring 2005. The presentation included photos illustrating the organization of traditional ceremonies, graduations, commemorative excursions to honor Donát Bánki, annual wreath-laying at his grave, and memorials of distinguished “Bánki alumni” to continue preserving these traditions.
Complementing the conference’s theme, a commemorative exhibition awaits visitors in the entrance hall of the József Boulevard wing, and additional historical displays are set up in the hallway near the conference room for further insights into the history of predecessor institutions.
On November 8, 2024, a memorial conference was organized by the Hungarian Academic Council of Vojvodina, in collaboration with the Hungarian Fuzzy Society (operating as a division of the Janos Neumann Computer Society), the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Novi Sad, and the IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section, in tribute to Lotfi A. Zadeh (1921–2017), the father of the field of fuzzy science and a former professor at the University of California, Berkeley’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS).
The event took place as part of the 2024 Vojvodina series of celebrations of Hungarian Science Day, marking the second time it was held. The Hungarian Fuzzy Society was represented by faculty members from the Mechatronics and Vehicle Engineering at Obuda University’s Bánki Faculty: Dr. habil Edit Ludányi-Laufer, Dr. habil Zsolt Csaba Johanyák, and Prof. Dr. László Pokorádi.
The purpose of the event was to strengthen cross-border research cooperation that goes back many years, and to exchange ideas about fuzzy sciences. The meeting was opened by a plenary lecture by Valentina Emilia Balas, professor at Aurel Vlaciu University in Arad. Her presentation focused on introducing Zadeh’s life and work, highlighting his human side and personal relationships.
Following this, Prof. Dr. Márta Takács, a board member of the Hungarian Academic Council of Vojvodina, professor at both the University of Novi Sad and Obuda University, and the chief organizer of the event, gave a comprehensive lecture on fuzzy thinking. which was followed by the presentation of various fuzzy applications. The event started a joint thinking about the possibilities of the organizational background of fuzzy-based research.
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