Graduation Ceremony – February 21, 2025

The first Graduation Ceremony of this year was held on Friday, February 21, 2025, at the “ELTE Gömb Aula”. The event commenced with the procession of the board members to the tune of Gaudeamus Igitur. Following the national anthem, József Balogh, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Dean’s Office – serving as the presiding chairman of the ceremony – introduced the members of the board:

Prof. Dr. László Gulácsi – Vice-Rector for Research, Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai – Dean, Dr. Erzsébet Ancza – Associate Professor, Dr. habil Tibor Farkas – Vice-Dean for Education, Dr. Richárd Horváth – Vice-Dean for Research, Lívia Mondics-Kurmay – Director of Education, József Balogh –Head of Dean’s Secreteriat, Zsombor Kovács – President of the Student Council.

Following the welcoming speech by the Vice-Rector, the celebratory speech was given by Dean Zoltán Rajnai. He emphasized that graduates earned a highly respected diploma at the Bánki Faculty, which required dedication and hard work. He highlighted the importance of the strict academic standards, ensuring that the engineers graduating from Bánki are well-prepared for international competition and capable of tackling complex technical challenges.

After the speeches, diplomas were awarded in the following engineering programs: Mechanical Engineering, Military and Security Engineering, Safety Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering.

A total of 156 students received their BSc degrees, while 10 MSc diplomas were handed over by the Dean. In keeping with tradition, after receiving their diplomas, graduates touched the Bánki flag as a sign of respect.

Students who graduated with honors—achieving outstanding results throughout their studies—were recognized. To receive an honors diploma, students had to meet the following criteria: excellent grades in all final exams, a minimum average grade of 3.51and no grades below “satisfactory”.

The following students received an Honorary Diploma alongside their degree:

Milán Kecskeméti – Mechatronics Engineer

Zsombor András Magyari – Mechatronics Engineer

The Faculty Council also awarded the “Outstanding Academic Achievement” certificate and commemorative gifts to top-performing Safety Engineering graduates:

  • Tamás Barok
  • Luca Boros
  • Olivér Borsos
  • Gábor Tamás Földes
  • Erik Levente Gáspár
  • Ákos Olivér Gyirkis
  • Gergely John
  • Norbert Komjáti
  • Petra Kóródi
  • Krisztián Molnár                                                                                                     
  • Gergely Endre Szabó
  • Ákos Zoltán Tarnay
  • Sebestyén Barnabás Thüringer

We congratulate our awarded students and wish them continued success in the future!

Following the awards, the graduates took the Engineer’s vow, traditionally led by one of the honorees. This year, Gábor Tamás Földes had the honor of leading the pledge.

On behalf of the graduating class, Zsombor Kovács, President of the Student Council, delivered a heartfelt farewell speech, wishing the new graduates’ success in their future endeavors.

The graduation ceremony is one of the faculty’s most significant events, also serving as an opportunity to recognize the contributions of faculty members and partners who have supported the institution’s mission.

Dr. Béla András Frigyik – Associate Professor received a Certificate of Recognition for his dedicated work in supporting international students and his outstanding teaching methods.

Dr. Bertold Békési – Lieutenant Colonel, Associate Professor awarded an Honorary Diploma for his long-standing support of the Aerospace Engineering specialization and for strengthening ties between Bánki Faculty and the NKE Faculty of Military Science.

Ferenc Hosszú, honorary associate professor, also received an award. Ferenc Hosszú earned his high school teaching degree in mathematics, physics, and descriptive geometry from the Faculty of Science at ELTE. He began his teaching career in a vocational high school before joining the Bánki Faculty in 1980. From 1996 to 2015, he served as the Head of the Mathematics-Informatics Department.

Although officially retired, he has continued his academic work as a part-time lecturer at the faculty.

He is the author and co-author of numerous mathematics textbooks and study materials. Throughout his career, he has played an active role in organizing and teaching the “Week 0” Mathematics Preparatory Course, designed to support incoming students. He also made significant contributions to the György Hajós Mathematics Competitions, both as an organizer and mentor.

In 2019, the Rector of Obuda University awarded him the title of Honorary Associate Professor in recognition of his dedication and outstanding contributions to education.

This year, as he celebrates 45 years of teaching, we express our heartfelt gratitude for his remarkable and high-quality academic work at the Bánki Faculty and wish him continued good health and happiness.

At this ceremony, we also expressed our gratitude to Associate Professor Dr. Erzsébet Ancza, who served as the Vice Dean for Education at the Bánki Faculty until the end of January. Additionally, the Student Council, representing Bánki students, thanked her for her tireless work in always advocating for the interests of the students under all circumstances and for brightening everyone’s day with a smile as she passed by in the hallways.

Dr. Erzsébet Ancza holds degrees in mechanical engineering and English language teaching. She has advanced-level “C” type language certificates in English and Russian.

She has been teaching in higher education since 1998, first at the University of Debrecen and then, since 2012, at the Bánki Faculty. She has held the position of Vice Dean for Education since 2015. In this role, she coordinated the faculty’s educational activities and oversaw, among other things, faculty accreditation tasks, the work of education-related committees, the demonstrator and mentoring teacher system, and the admission process for international students.

Thanks to her dedicated efforts, the launch of the Bachelor’s program in Energy Engineering became a reality.

With her warm personality and kindness, she always strived for consensus and collaboratively developed solutions in her work. She will not be leaving the Bánki Faculty entirely, as she will continue to contribute to the Faculty’s Research Organization Center.

We wish her good health and many more active years with us, her family, and her two grandchildren!

The faculty also acknowledged two of its long-term industry partners for their continued support and collaboration:

Intertechnika Kft.

The professional relationship between the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering and Intertechnika Kft. dates back several decades. Intertechnika Kft. provides both theoretical and practical support in practice-oriented education as well as in scientific research in the fields of welding and thermal cutting technologies.

With this recognition, the faculty would like to express its gratitude for the company’s support and assistance, as well as to strengthen further successful professional cooperation with Managing Director Mr. Béla Alasztics.

Mahr Magyarország Kft.                                                         

The professional cooperation between the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering and Mahr Magyarország Kft. also spans several decades. Numerous doctoral dissertations, TDK (Scientific Students’ Association) papers, and theses have been completed using Mahr metrology equipment. As part of the student welfare program, the company welcomed student groups for industrial visits, showcasing the diversity and challenges of engineering work. With this recognition, the faculty would like to personally express its gratitude for the support and collaboration to Managing Director Mr. Ferenc Tamás Varga, who earned his engineering degree at Bánki.

To our graduates: may your future be filled with success, happiness, and fulfilment. We hope you’ll always cherish your time at Bánki and maintain strong ties with the faculty. Who knows—perhaps one day, your own company will become one of our partners, or your children may follow in your footsteps as Bánki students.

Special thanks to the Dean’s Office, the Registar’s Office, and the Student Council for organizing this memorable event.

Congratulations to all our graduates!

Humanitarian Response Manager graduation ceremony

Class of 2023 of the Humanitarian Response Manager post-graduate training has received their certificates on 19 July 2023. During the one-year course, a number of researchers from the Africa Research Institute have contributed to the curriculum. We would like to congratulate to all those who successfully completed the training and obtained the certificate!

More information about the course and the application: