On April 22, 2024, as one of the stops of their three-week study trip, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute staff, Azizbek Nishonov, head of Joint Educational Department, Utkirjon Rahmatov, head of the International Cooperation Department, and lecturer Pulatov Sukhrobjon visited our Faculty. On behalf of the Faculty management, Dr. Erzsébet Ancza, Vice-Dean of Education, Bence Hajdu from the OUR Team Formula Student team, Ábel Bokodi and György Lovassy from the Pneumobil team welcomed the guests. During the conversation, they got to know the training portfolio of the Faculty and the possibilities of cooperation related to education.
After the meeting they went down to the labs and checked our student groups with great interest, first they got to know the components of the first generation racing car of the Formula Student team, and then they got a glimpse of the plans of the newly built second car. In the Pneu Labs workshop, they received first-hand information not only about pneumatic vehicles and their developments, but also about other interesting projects of the students. We were very pleased that they discussed these with our students, focusing on their technical solutions and background.