The Formula Student team completed another successful race

This is a brief report on the Formula Student Alpe Adria competition, where we arrived on August 20th, eagerly beginning our preparations for the race week. The team immediately got to work: we set up the campsite, prepared the pit, and attempted to participate in the driver egress event, which ultimately had to be postponed until the next day.

The next day started with the mechanical scrutineering, where, despite finding a few issues that needed fixing, we quickly resolved them. All four of our drivers successfully completed the driver egress, bringing a great sense of relief. On Thursday, we continued making repairs and successfully passed the tilt, brake, and noise tests in the afternoon, feeling that each step brought us closer to our goals.

On Friday, we started at the practice area, followed by the acceleration and skidpad events, where we managed to achieve timed results. That same day, we held our Cost and Manufacturing, Business Plan Presentation, and Engineering Design presentations, during which we were honored to have Vincenzo Bevilacqua visit us.

On Saturday, despite some technical challenges, we successfully completed the autocross event after the track walk and then participated in a team photo session. On Sunday, we completed 13 laps during the endurance event, but a technical issue prevented us from continuing the race. Nevertheless, we ended the week on a positive note, and Vincenzo Bevilacqua’s words of praise reassured us that we were on the right track.

The event concluded with an award ceremony and a farewell party, and the next day, we packed up and headed home. We are incredibly proud of the team and deeply appreciate everyone’s hard work during the Alpe Adria event.

Bence György Hajdu

University Preparation Program in English

Óbuda University is launching a 10 month university preparation program in english language for foreign students for the academic year 2024-2025. The purpose of the training is to prepare foreign students to ready with their university-level English language necessary for the majors they have chosen and to prepare them for university education.

In the framework of the program we help the students by assisting in the selection of majors, supporting their university application, enrollment and admission procedures as well as planning, organizing and running the accompanying mentor program.

Contacts in Hungary: Educatio Mentor Oktatásszervező Kft. 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 88/90. fsz.9.

Contacts in China: Hebei Jiapu Technology Co. Ltd. Hebei Shijiazhuang City, Qiaoxi district, Weiming Nandajie 389, Zhongjing international 18. Bulding room 1812.

One semester in Subotica as a cyber security engineering BSc student

Our semester at Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences through the Erasmus program was an incredibly positive experience for us, students of the cybersecurity program at the Óbuda University Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering. The cities of Subotica and Palić impressed us with their beautiful architectural styles, cultural richness, and hospitable residents. The Art Nouveau buildings of Subotica, such as the city hall and the synagogue, along with the lakeside beauty of Palić, were particularly memorable for us.

The Subotica Technical College provided high-quality education. In the Web Programming course, we learned how to create secure and efficient web applications. The Security in E-Business Systems course offered us a deeper insight into the security aspects of electronic data management and digital communication. The Applied Research Work course gave us the opportunity to delve into a research topic, developing our analytical and critical thinking skills. The Computer Networks course was essential for our cybersecurity studies, providing comprehensive knowledge about network architectures and security measures.

The direct and supportive relationship between the teachers and students, as well as the teamwork, helped us forge many new friendships and become part of a cohesive community. During our time here, we not only developed professionally but also grew personally. The beauty of Subotica and Palić, along with the hospitality of the locals, provided experiences that we will always look back on fondly.


Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute lecturers at Bánki Faculty

On April 22, 2024, as one of the stops of their three-week study trip, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute staff, Azizbek Nishonov, head of Joint Educational Department, Utkirjon Rahmatov, head of the International Cooperation Department, and lecturer Pulatov Sukhrobjon visited our Faculty. On behalf of the Faculty management, Dr. Erzsébet Ancza, Vice-Dean of Education, Bence Hajdu from the OUR Team Formula Student team, Ábel Bokodi and György Lovassy from the Pneumobil team welcomed the guests. During the conversation, they got to know the training portfolio of the Faculty and the possibilities of cooperation related to education.

After the meeting they went down to the labs and checked our student groups with great interest, first they got to know the components of the first generation racing car of the Formula Student team, and then they got a glimpse of the plans of the newly built second car. In the Pneu Labs workshop, they received first-hand information not only about pneumatic vehicles and their developments, but also about other interesting projects of the students. We were very pleased that they discussed these with our students, focusing on their technical solutions and background.

BánKitchen will open soon!

Dear Students!

We are happy to inform you that on May 6, 2024, the cafeteria of the Bánki Faculty, called the ‘BánKitchen’, will open in the community space of building J. room 117.
Opening hours for this semester: Monday to Friday 8:00 – 15:00 with food-heating option available on Saturdays, from the next semester it will be open on Saturdays as well, with longer opening hours every day!

A successful training session on the topic of popularization of electrical mobility

A successful training session on the topic of popularization of electrical mobility at OE BGK for university lecturers from the Western Balkan countries

A three-day training and meeting took place between 05.12.2023 and 07.12.2023 at the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering within the framework of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education ( The purpose of the training is primarily to share educational methods and best practices with the instructors of the participating partner institutions.

The event was opened by Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, dean of Bánki Faculty, Obuda University, who emphasized the internationalization efforts of Óbuda University and welcomed the representatives of the participating Higher Education Institutions from Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Greece and Poland. Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Arsic, the rector of the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, the professional leader of the PELMOB project, expressed his great pleasure that close cooperation is realized with Óbuda University in the implementation of several successful international projects. The professional leader of the project on behalf of Óbuda University is Dr. Ágota Drégelyi-Kiss, associate professor at the Department of Manufacturing Technology, OE BGK.

The series of professional lectures began with Dr. Zsolt Hajnalka, head of the section responsible for international relations of the Hungarian Association of Vehicle Parts Manufacturers. In his presentation, he highlighted the challenges of introducing alternative drives and presented the possibilities of the Zalazone Automotive Test Track. In his presentation, Dr. György Czifra, lecturer at ÓE BGK, detailed the alternative energy sources in the field of electric cars, especially the solution for hydrogen-powered vehicles.

For the second day of the training, a visit was organized to the Automotive Technology Development Center of the Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus. The Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus plays a decisive role in the development of electromobility and automated driving solutions. During the visit, a presentation was given on the testing phases of electric drives, after which we were able to gain an insight into the work of a laboratory presenting physical tests.

On the last day of the PELMOB project meeting in Budapest, Dr. Balázs Mikó, habilitated associate professor at the Department of Manufacturing Technology, ÓE BGK, explained the relationship between Industry 4.0 and electromobility, after which a visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Economics followed.

During the training, we hosted nearly thirty people at the Bánki Faculty, and they watched the professional materials prepared by our colleagues with great interest. We closed the first year of the PELMOB project with this training, further the focus will be on the development of curricula and subjects by Higher Educational Institutions of the Western Balkan countries.

Dr. Ágota Drégelyi-Kiss
the leader of the PELMOB project at ÓE

Call for Papers – InnoVeTAS 2024

8th Agria Conference on Innovative Vehicle Technologies and Automation Solutions
InnoVeTAS 2024

Innovate, Collaborate, Transform!

9th of May 2024 Eger, Hungary

Technical Sponsor: Emerson Automation FCP Kft.

Organizer: Óbuda University, Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Institute of Mechatronics and Vehicle Engineering

The Scope:

The main goal of InnoVeTAS 2024 conference is to provide an opportunity for today’s innovative vehicles and for professionals working in the development of industrial automation to present their results and share their experience in the following areas:

  • development, production and maintenance of state of the art innovative vehicles;
    • measurement and control technology applications;
    • industrial automation solutions;
    • development of engineering processes, methods and tools;
    • protection of intellectual property of innovations;
    • theoretical and practical aspects of Digital Transformation;
    • the science and practical application of the Internet of Things (IoT);
    • development of “student-made” vehicles.


The official languages of the Symposium are English and Hungarian (presentations are only in English)

Submission of Papers:

There are invited and regular papers. Authors are kindly asked to send by e-mail their abstract and full paper to

Instructions for Authors

The papers will be published in GÉP Journal in Hungarian and English, selection of international journal is in progress. The format of the final manuscript and instructions will be provided after selection, first versions can be sent in raw format.

Author’s Schedule:

Abstract submissionNovember 30, 2023;
Notifications of acceptanceDecember 15, 2023;
Full paper submissionFebruary 15, 2024;
NotificationMarch 15, 2024;
Final manuscript submissionApril 15, 2024;

Honorary Chairs:

Levente Kovács, Óbuda University
István Gödri, Emerson Automation FCP Kft.

Founder Chair:

László Pokorádi, Óbuda University, Budapest

Scientific Program Committee:

L. Ambroziak, Bialystok University of Technology
J. Bihari University of Miskolc
Zs. Farkas Budapest University of Technology and Economics
L. Fechete, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
W. Fiebig, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
D. Fodor, University of Pannonia
Z. Forgó, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
L. Földi, Szent István Egyetem
R. Jánoš, Technical University of Košice
Gy. Juhász, University of Debrecen
G. Kátai-Urbán, John von Neumann University
M. Madissoo, Estonian University of Life Sciences
P. Mazeika, Klaipeda University
P. Megyeri, University of Pécs
L. Berényi, University of Miskolc
Gh. Mihai, University Politehnica of Bucharest
I. Nagy, Óbuda University
L. Osiecki, Gdańsk University of Technology
V. Pirs, Latvian University of Agriculture
V. Priede, Riga Technical University
K. Psiuk, Silesian University of Technology
M. Ranuša, Brno University of Technology
M. Simon, Universitatea Petru Maior
T. Szakács, Óbuda University
L. Soltész, Emerson Automation FCP Kft.
T. Szabó Budapest University of Technology and Economics
T.I. Tóth University of Szeged
E. Tóth-Laufer, Óbuda University
T. Mitran, University of Oradea
I. Molnár, Óbuda University

Organizing Committee Chair:

L. Soltész, Emerson Automation FCP Kft.

Organizing Committee:

Sz. Nagy, Emerson Automation FCP Kft.
M. Varga, Emerson Automation FCP Kft.
Gy. Németh, Emerson Automation FCP Kft.

Official e-mail address of the InnoVeTAS 2024:

The instructors of the ÓE BGK held a training session at the Technical University of Lublin

During the implementation of the “Improving STEM Teaching Process using Digital Transformation – (DigSTEM)” project, which won the IVF “Visegrad Grant+” competition, the first training was organized at the Technical University of Lublin on October 3-4, 2023, in Poland.

During the two-day conference presenting educational practices, three lecturers from the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Technology represented Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty: Dr. Viktor Gonda, András Horváth and Béla Mészáros. During their presentations, the advantages and disadvantages of online teaching STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects were explained. The use of the collaborative workshop of the Moodle system in the education of forming technology was presented as a good practice, as well as possible solutions for the online education of workshop practice.

IEEE HS Student Paper Contest – Call for Papers

IEEE Hungary Section (IEEE HS) annually announces a competition for students in higher education
titled “Student Paper Contest.” Only those professional papers and theses can participate in the
competition, which were published during the period specified in this call, belong to the professional
spectrum of IEEE, written either in Hungarian or in English and were authored by a BSc/MSc/PhD
student with active student status in a Hungarian higher education institution.

In case of multiple authorship, up to a maximum of three students may apply with the same work. IEEE membership is not required for the application. Works that were already published or even awarded elsewhere are not excluded from the competition. A multi-authored work with a co-author who does not have an active student status (e.g. supervisor) can only be submitted if the name of the applying student(s) appears in the author list prior to the name of the non-applying co-author(s).

Eligible works:

  • scientific journal papers
  • scientific conference papers
  • TDK theses
  • documented project works (provided they were not the parts of compulsory studies)

A diploma thesis/work cannot be submitted, as it is a compulsory part of the university studies. If a
diploma thesis/work was written on the basis of a TDK work, this does not exclude the possibility of
submitting the TDK thesis, however in this case solely the TDK work can be submitted, omitting all the
subsequent results that were contributed as part of the diploma work.

A judging committee invited by the Chair of IEEE HS will rank the applications. Based on this ranking
the Chair of IEEE HS determines the final prizes. Shared awards can also be issued. If a large number of
applications are received, the judging committee may categorize the entries retrospectively.
The form of recognition is a certificate in English, signed by the Chair of IEEE HS and the Awards &
Recognition Chair. The awards will be presented at one of the major events of IEEE HS. There are no
limits to the number of awards that can be issued annually.


  • Place 1: HUF 45 000
  • Place 2: HUF 30 000
  • Place 3: HUF 20 000

Further informations

Works published between December 1, 2022 and November 30, 2023 can participate in the
competition. Works accepted for publication can only be submitted after the date of publication.
In the case of conference paper, the first day of the conference is the publication date. Unchanged republication in a journal or a monograph does not modify or update the publication date.

In the case of TDK thesis, the publication date is the day of the institutional TDK Conference. A later OTDK
participation does not modify or update the publication date, since the OTDK thesis cannot contain
new results compared to the institutional TDK work.

Applications must be submitted in PDF format to the email address

There are no page count and appearance requirements for the submitted work, it must be attached in
its original form without any modification.

The application must be accompanied by an institutional certificate not older than 8 days, which
certifies that the applicant was an ACTIVE student during the semester in which the work was
published. The certificate must also include the level of education (BSc/MSc/PhD) in which the student
participated when the work was published. The certificate must be attached as a separate PDF file.

Only sealed and signed certificates or certificates with an institutional electronic signature can be
accepted. In the case of project work, the applicant must declare that it was not part of the compulsory
studies. The declaration must be attached as a separate PDF file.

Submission deadline

December 5, 2023 12:00 (noon) CET

Expected assessment and notification: January 5, 2024

Levente Kovács
Chair of IEEE HS

Krisztián Lamár
Awards & Recognition Chair, IEEE HS

Successful training session on the topic of transportation of dangerous materials at OE BGK

A three-day training and meeting took place between September 26, 2023 and September 28, 2023 at the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering within the framework of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education ( The purpose of the training is primarily to share educational methods and best practices with the instructors of the participating partner institutions.

The event was opened by Prof. Dr. László Gulácsi, vice rector for research, who emphasized the internationalization efforts of Óbuda University and welcomed the representatives of the participating Higher Education Institutions from Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Greece and Poland. Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Arsic, the rector of the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, the professional leader of the DGTRANS project, expressed his great pleasure that close cooperation is realized with Óbuda University in the implementation of several successful international projects. The professional leader of the project on behalf of Óbuda University is Dr. Ágota Drégelyi-Kiss, associate professor at the Department of Manufacturing Technology, OE BGK.

The series of professional presentations began with the presentation about Data centre for disaster prevention by Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, dean of Bánki Faculty. Two presentations were showed related to the transport of dangerous materials and their preparations from Institute of Disaster Management, University of Public Service: Dr. habil. By Lajos Kátai-Urbán and Csaba Almási.

On the second day of the training, Dr. Arnold Őszi, assistant professor at ÓE Bánki Faculty presented how drones can be called to assist during the detection of accidents involving hazardous materials. Georgina Nóra Tóth pointed out the correct assessment of risks related to transport of dangerous goods, and Dr. Gabriella Farkas, head of the Department of Manufacturing Technology, gave a longer presentation on the quality requirements of the packaging of dangerous materials.

On the last day of the Budapest meeting of the DGTRANS project, we visited the LEAN laboratory, where the methods of our practical training were presented. Finally, representatives of the Óbuda University Racing Team ( held a short presentation about the Formula Student single-seater car construction competition and their achievements so far.

During the training, we hosted nearly forty people at the Bánki Faculty, and they watched the professional materials prepared by our colleagues with great interest. We closed the first year of the DGTRANS project with this training, further the focus will be on the development of curricula and subjects by Higher Educational Institutions of the Western Balkan countries.

Dr. Ágota Drégelyi-Kiss
the leader of the DGTRANS project at ÓE