
Project Details

Contract number:

Project title:
2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000031182 – Improving digital skills for Ergonomics and Bioengineering Innovations for inclusive Health Care (ERGODESIGN)

112.040.250 HUF

Contribution for Óbuda University:
15.053.500 HUF

Consortium Leader:
Politechnika Poznanska

Consortium Members:
Óbuda University, Technical University of Varna, National Technical University of Athens – Ntua, Technicka Univerzita v Kosiciach, Valuedo srl

Implementation period:
december 1, 2021. – november 30, 2024.

Project summary:

The general objective of the project is to support the introduction of ergonomic and bioengineering innovations in implantology and prosthetics by adopting new digital applications and training in their use.

The specific objectives are:

  • to increase the students’ knowledge in the field of ergonomics and bio-engineering and their digital skills for designing and producing related 3D printed medical products (dental and orthopedic implants, prostheses and exoskeletons, etc.)
  • to increase the knowledge necessary for the design of healthcare implants for people with special needs (physical and mental)
  • to extend the trainers’ knowledge of software/digital tools and their possibilities of use and adaptation for training
  • to increase the employability of the students in the medical implants sector
  • to create a community of practice around the topics of ergonomics and bioengineering
