On November 8, 2024, a memorial conference was organized by the Hungarian Academic Council of Vojvodina, in collaboration with the Hungarian Fuzzy Society (operating as a division of the Janos Neumann Computer Society), the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Novi Sad, and the IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section, in tribute to Lotfi A. Zadeh (1921–2017), the father of the field of fuzzy science and a former professor at the University of California, Berkeley’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS).
The event took place as part of the 2024 Vojvodina series of celebrations of Hungarian Science Day, marking the second time it was held. The Hungarian Fuzzy Society was represented by faculty members from the Mechatronics and Vehicle Engineering at Obuda University’s Bánki Faculty: Dr. habil Edit Ludányi-Laufer, Dr. habil Zsolt Csaba Johanyák, and Prof. Dr. László Pokorádi.

The purpose of the event was to strengthen cross-border research cooperation that goes back many years, and to exchange ideas about fuzzy sciences. The meeting was opened by a plenary lecture by Valentina Emilia Balas, professor at Aurel Vlaciu University in Arad. Her presentation focused on introducing Zadeh’s life and work, highlighting his human side and personal relationships.
Following this, Prof. Dr. Márta Takács, a board member of the Hungarian Academic Council of Vojvodina, professor at both the University of Novi Sad and Obuda University, and the chief organizer of the event, gave a comprehensive lecture on fuzzy thinking. which was followed by the presentation of various fuzzy applications. The event started a joint thinking about the possibilities of the organizational background of fuzzy-based research.
Dr. habil Edit Ludányi-Laufer
Translated by Emese Dávid-Tóth
The conference website:
Press release on the Serbian Pannon RTV website: