Project Details
Contract number:
Project title:
598551-EPP-1-2018-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP – Improving the Traffic Safety inthe Western Balkan Countries through Curriculum Innovation and Development of Undergraduate and Master Studies (TRAFSAF)
267.541.780 HUF
Contribution for Óbuda University:
8.281.960 Ft
Consortium Leader:
University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica
Consortium Members:
Óbuda University, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Javna Ustanova Univerzitet Crne Gore Podgorica, Agencija za Bezbednost Saobracaja, Nvo Alfa Centar, Univerzitet Sinergija Bijeljina, Centar za Razvoj Lokalnih Sredina Kosovska Mitrovica Udruzenje, Agencija za Bezbjednost Saobracajarepublike Srpske, Univerzitet Adriatik Bar, Univerza v Mariboru, Politechnika Lubelska, Akademija Tehnicko-Vaspitackih Strukovnih Studija, Akademija Strukovnih Studija Kosovsko Metohijska Leposavi
Implementation period:
october 1, 2018. – july 31, 2022.
Project summary:
The project Improving the Traffic Safety in the Western Balkan Countries through Curriculum Innovation and Development of Undergraduate and Master Studies/TRAFSAF goal is development and implementation of the advanced and modern curricula in line with Bologna requirements and national accreditation standards that enable education of specialists in the field of traffic safety. Modernized/new study profiles that include comprehensive aspects of traffic safety will be the result of analysed shortcomings of current system for traffic safety in WB partner countries.